BEST Shoulder Workouts For Growth

The 3 most effective exercises for your delts and 3 alternative exercises are often neglected in training.

3 Most Effective Exercises For Delts

The shoulders not only play a role in functional training and power, but they tremendously add to your aesthetics…

Before we get into the exercises let’s quickly talk about the anatomy of the delt and its function.

deltoid anatomy

The deltoid is a triangular muscle at the top of your arm. It is composed of 3 portions. The anterior delt, otherwise known as the front delt. The lateral delt, otherwise known as the medial delt and the last portion is the posterior delt, also known as the rear delt.

Each portion of the delt is responsible for a specific movement or stabilization of the shoulder joint.

Understanding the function of each portion of the delt will help you understand why certain exercises are the best to target each part.

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The anterior delt is responsible for shoulder flexion and horizontal adduction.


Flexion as demonstrated on this top photo is when you bring your arms up. Horizontal adduction, as demonstrated in the bottom photo is when you bring your arm out in front of you

The lateral delt takes care of shoulder abduction, which is when you bring your arm out and up to the side.

shoulder abduction
shoulder abduction 2

The rear delt is responsible for horizontal abduction which is the opposite of horizontal adduction. It is when you bring your arm from the front of you to your side.

posterior delt
rear delt 2

Now that you know the function of each delt…

shoulder press

Let’s get into some training.

Shoulder press is going to target your anterior delt.

Although the shoulder press is an abduction exercise and not a shoulder flexion exercise, the position of the exercise externally rotates your shoulder and because the anterior delt resist external rotation, it will be activated during this exercise.

There have been studies that showed this to be true.

barbell press vs shoulder press

So then the question is, what shoulder press exercise is the best?

There are many shoulder pressing movements. There is Dumbbell press, barbell press, seated press and standing press.

Well, the best one, that will activate your deltoids the most is the standing dumbbell press.

This is because of increased need for stability in this exercise in comparison to other shoulder pressing movements.

When you use a dumbbell instead of a barbell, it forces you to control and balance the weight of 2 objects individually.

When you do a barbell shoulder press, you only have to focus on controlling and balancing the weight of 1 object, however when you use dumbbells you have to balance the weights and be sure that the dumbbells are not moving independently of each other, at different speeds and keep the same tempo throughout the movement.

db press vs barbell press

Additionally the standing dumbbell press raises the center of mass in comparison to the seated press.

seated dumbbell press

It also provides a smaller base for support.

When you are seated you have three points of contact to help you balance, your feet and the bench.

When you are standing you only have 2, your feet, which forces you to stabilize the movement more on your own.

In order to perform the standing dumbbell shoulder press effectively, you must do the following steps.

Stand with your feet slightly less than shoulder width apart.

Grab a dumbbell in each hand and start with the dumbbells just below ear level.

Then extend your elbows above your head, until you reach the point when your elbow is about to lock out, but not quite.

Pause for half a second and return to the starting position.


- Do not use leg drive in order to get the weight up

Do not lean back too much, only slightly.

- Maintain both dumbbells at the same tempo

Alternative Exercise:

An alternative exercise that I found very effective in my training is the dumbbell front raise, which involves flexion - the main function of the anterior delt.

dumbbell front raise

In order to perform this exercise you will have to:

Stand with a straight torso.

Grab a dumbbell and keep it in front of your body with you palms facing your thighs.

Lift the dumbbell in front of you until it is slightly above being parallel to the ground.

Keep a slight bend in your elbow throughout the movement.

Pause at the top for half a second and bring the dumbbell back down slowly.

You can do this exercise with one arm at a time, alternating or at the same time.

The next exercise on the menu is the Lateral Raise

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lateral raise pt 2

Lateral raise will target your medial delt. We will be doing this exercise with dumbbells and standing, using the same stability concepts described in the shoulder press section.

To perform this exercise optimally you will

Stand with your feet slightly closer than shoulder width apart, keeping your back straight.

Start with the dumbbells out to your side or slightly in front of you, as I do

Lift the dumbbells up to your side, keeping a slight bend in your elbow

Go up until your arms are parallel to the ground

Lower the dumbbells down slowly.


Do not allow the dumbbells to hang at the bottom of the movement

Tilt the dumbbell down, slightly as if you are pouring water into a cup to maintain tension on your medial delt.

side raise

Most importantly, leave your ego at the door, and lower your weight.

This movement needs to be very controlled, and there should be no swinging. 

An alternative exercise is the machine lateral raise.

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This exercise has a lot of the same concepts as the free weight lateral raise, except the movement is more stabilized and controlled.

To perform this exercise:

Sit facing the machine,

Grab the handles with your palms facing in.

Keep your upper arms against the arm pads.

Maintain a neutral spine and look forward.

Move your arms up and to the side until your arms are parallel to the floor.

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machine side raise

Pause at the top and return to the starting position.

Next up is the Reverse Machine Fly.

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Unlike the shoulder press, we want an exercise that is more stable and controlled in order to really target our rear delts. Several studies have shown that this exercise is the best at activating the posterior delt.

In order to perform this exercise optimally,

Adjust the handles so that they are fully to the rear, as you see here it it locked in the last position

Adjust the seat so that the handles are shoulder level

Start with your hands on the handles, I’m showing you pronated grip here

reverse flye
reverse flye pt 2
reverse flye pt 3

Slightly bend your elbows

In a semicircular motion, pull your hands back and out to your side, keeping the bend in your elbow

At the end of the movement, contract your rear delts and return to the starting position

This is another option, a neutral grip, a study showed that this grip has a slightly higher activation of the rear delt. All other steps are the same.

An alternative exercise is the Bent over Rear Delt Raise.

rear dumbbell raise

To perform this exercise:

Stand up straight with a dumbbell at each side.

Maintain the natural arch of your back, lean forward and bend your knees slightly

Let your arms hang in front of you so that they are perpendicular to the ground.

With a bend in your elbow raise both arms out and to your side

Contract at the top and return to the starting position

rear delt flye
rear delt flye pt 2

BEST Shoulder Exercises For Growth And Symmetry Video:


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