I highly recommend that you purchase a set of micro-plates.
Usually regular barbell plates increments go from 45lbs, 35lbs, 25lbs, 10lbs to 5lbs. If you're lucky, your gym will have some 2.5lb plates...but what are micro-plates?
They're even smaller and range from ¼ LB, ½ LB, ¾ LB, and 1 LB. These micro plates will help you get past your plateau and previous best records. You'll gain strength and hit new PR's instead of being unable to beat your previous best records by overshooting and jumping up by 5 or 10lbs.
Coaches Notes:
To really maximize Dynamic Grind, download the excel/pdf sheet given below. The videos in Dynamic Grind are for references as to what exercises we do in the mesocycle. Not every exercise will be in the videos, so it's best to use the sheet to truly follow alongside us. You'll want to calculate your 60% of your 1-rep max and apply it to all of the exercises we do, or as listed. Follow our guidelines for maximum results. This is how we train...
What are the best exercises for back? Stay tuned.
Day 1:
So you're looking to get bigger arms?
In this quick article, you'll discover the style of training to grow your arms at least an inch.
By following the training protocols in M1, as seen in the video below, you'll be making gains in no time.
Adding more volume, aka sets and reps, will force your muscles to grow.
People often look up "how to get bigger arms"...this is the surefire way to do it:
Use around 65 percent of your perceived one rep max on bicpe curls and dips. Please dont try to attempt a one rep max on bicep curls and dips. Use a conservative estimate for this first week as we will be increasing sets and weight over the course of this cycle.
All reps and sets are to be performed with good execution. If by the last set on curls you are swinging for the fences then you need to lower the weight.
Remember failure begins when you can no longer technically execute the weight properly.
No bouncing on calves. Fully stretch at the bottom and fully contract at the top. Lower the weight if need be. No one cares how much you can calf press.
Drop your ego.
Week 1 of 4, Day 1 of 4
Have you fully optimized your training & Diet?
Tired of eating boring food? Check out how to make Mouth-Watering Peanutbutter Protein Oats. Packed with protein, ensured to deliver gains! ➞